Friday, October 2, 2009

soft (written 05/09)

soft /sɔft, sɒft / [sawft, soft] adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb, interjection
1. yielding readily to touch or pressure; easily penetrated, divided, or changed into shape; not hard or stiff: a soft pillow
2. relatively deficient in hardness, as metal or wood.

memories of being openly soft
flutter into my conscience
quickly fleeting, only to remind
that I am no more

an adamantine exterior formed long ago
surrounding every inch of flesh
it's easier to push away with brute force
than allow a peak into my world without walls

naked, dangling out on a limb
liberated and full of life without fear

I ache to be soft again
to touch
to feel
to never doubt

but it comes with a price
that I'm not sure I am prepared to pay
because the process of exposure could in fact
break me entirely causing cracks in my core
eventually shaking my very foundation
the only constant thing I've ever known

to be soft, is to be dangerous

fuck it
I'd rather crash and burn
than never allow the wheels to start rolling....

Of course what the hell do I know. It's like the Tin-Man ranting and raving before he got his precious heart.

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