I am I am I am.
permanently, personally branded
but am I really?
or better yet what am I?
the obvious could be pointed out quickly
human, female, alive
all certain
yet let's look at the latter in a bit more depth
the original Plath phrase is "I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart.
I am. I am. I am."
the repetition is the beating of my heart reminding me of my ultimate fate....death
Why three times?
past, present, future
white, grey, black
for me, it is the number of times I will reinvent myself
I am broken
I am scarred
but I am still here...
and I'm not going anywhere
unlike Plath, my will to live is unbreakable
I love her like a mother, sister, friend
but she gave up
I don't back down that easily
no matter what this strange trip called life throws at me
maybe I'm just as stubborn as my mother
so yes....I am I am I am.
you don't want me to be
Groovy...I like your style!