Monday, October 26, 2009

~Roller Girl~

the aroma of cotton candy filled the air
the disco lights were in full force
floor waxed shiny and smooth to perfection
I was so happy

I looked down and the skates on my feet
were the new ones that I got for my birthday
they were bright white
the neon pink laces were tied tightly

we were not supposed to chew gum
but coming around the corners
I blew giant purple bubbles again and again
popping them with the palm of my hand

the nostalgic music echoed in my ears
so loudly at times that the bass
could be felt, pounding in my chest
I was so happy

suddenly the door swung open
bringing with it massive amounts of sunlight
and a silhouette of someone so strong
that I had to hold my breath

the music was no longer heard
the smell of the concessions disappeared
the sparkles on the floor faded
and I was not 12 years old anymore

so I skated at full speed with all of my might
across the distance of the rink
eventually braking as he took one step down
meeting me on the sleek surface

the sun's splendor parted, giving way
to a clear view of his beautiful face
I felt 12 all over again
when I caught a glimpse of his glorious grin

so I did what any girl true of heart would do
I leapt into his arms without fear or reservation,
showering him with playful kisses
until he could not help but laugh

I was so happy.
I woke up.
I am almost 30 years old,
but damn I want to be that silly girl again.

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