constantly in chaos
I swim in opposite directions
part of me cannot help but
fight the strong current
staying just below
afraid of what I'll find at the surface
shallow waters are no longer
enough to sustain me
so I dive down deep
taking giant breaths
my tail slashes at my sides
I know not how to slow down
so I yearn for the bottom
desperately seeking a means to an end
others glide by me but I move too quickly
passing by them briskly
without a real chance of acknowledgement
yet another part of me
longs to brush my scales against yours
intertwining our tails in unison
sharing the air that fills your lungs
as we dart madly for the top
so the moon can glisten on our skin
like flawless diamonds
before the fear sets in
before I frantically submerse
before you can really see me
in the impending rise of the sun
for in the imposing light
all of my flaws are revealed
so quick to plunge back into the depths
and start the endless cycle
all over again