Saturday, March 20, 2010


as the light from this candle flickers
I gaze at it in wonder and amazement
I want to touch it
run my fingers across it
even if it burns me
even if it hurts
the smoke quickly fades
as it leaves the warmth of the flame
often I feel the same
wishing I could reverse myself
and crash into you
somehow someway
I would walk away
unharmed in knowing that even
for the briefest moment in time
that you surround me
lighting up my darkness
igniting every single strand of hair
every tender spot of flesh
I can withstand the heat
I will not turn to ash
so burn me
for I cannot take this shiver deep within
I ache for you
for the fire that escapes your lips
every time you utter my name

Friday, March 12, 2010

random thoughts

In the last week, I have moved into my own place and turned 30.  Now, I feel I must take a few moments to reflect.  Life is strange and it is only when everything is quiet that I can slow my mind enough to ponder the paths that lie ahead as well as the roads that I have taken that have brought me here.

Contentment is often fleeting for me, but lately its presence has lingered much longer than its usual alotted time.  While I still think too much and rack my brain constantly about anything and everything, I have also taken the time to appreciate those closest to my heart as well as the little things that can easily be taken for granted, like laughing.  It is something that I absolutely adore whether it is my own or the chuckle of another.  There is nothing like a good laugh, especially when it is a shared one.  It is something that I hope to continue doing as often as possible.

In the last year, I have completed half of my graduate degree, moved a couple of times, started, stopped, and didn't get jobs, opened myself up, closed myself down, stumbled upon a happy medium and found myself surprised on many occasions which is well...surprising.  Perhaps, I am finally coming into my own.  I have always lived for others because giving pieces of myself away is what I do best.  Yet, I find myself stronger today than I was yesterday.    Ernest Hemingway said "the world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places."  I've been broken, but I do not give up. 

For the first time in a long time, I look forward to what the future has in store for me.  I wouldn't call myself an optimist just yet, but I am starting this new chapter a bit less jaded than I was a year ago.  Or maybe I woke up this morning with newfound wisdom.  We'll see...